
All of the recipes on this site use around 250 ingredi­ents in total, many of which are long life. A sup­ply of these ingredi­ents will allow you to make most recipes you will find. Below is a recom­men­ded list of pantry staples organ­ised by type

Whole Spices

Whole spices keep their fla­vour much longer and a good spice grinder can grind them all into ground spices, so where pos­sible buy whole.

  • all­spice
  • annatto
  • european bay leaves
  • indi­an bay leaves
  • black pep­per
  • black car­damom
  • green car­damom
  • brown mus­tard
  • caraway
  • cin­na­mon
  • cloves
  • cori­ander
  • cumin
  • lime leaves
  • fen­nel
  • fenu­greek
  • kalonji / black onion / nigella seeds
  • mace
  • nut­meg
  • saf­fron
  • ses­ame seeds
  • sichuan pep­per­corns
  • white pep­per­corns
  • star anise

Other spices

  • cay­enne pepper
  • dried gar­lic powder
  • dried onion powder
  • kash­miri chilli powder
  • sweet smoked span­ish paprika / pimenton
  • sweet unsmoked hun­gari­an paprika
  • tur­mer­ic
  • ginger powder
  • cel­ery salt

Dried Herbs

Fresh herbs are usu­ally prefer­able, but aren’t always on hand or in sea­son. To con­vert between dried and fresh use approx 2x as much for fresh

  • basil
  • dill
  • mar­joram
  • mint
  • oregano
  • pars­ley
  • rose­mary
  • thyme
  • cori­ander
  • tar­ragon
  • thyme

Other dry items

These are all dry long life items

  • salt
  • soft brown sugar
  • caster sug­ar
  • plain flour
  • bread flour
  • 00 flour
  • bak­ing powder
  • bicar­bon­ate of soda
  • bread yeast
  • cocoa
  • corn­flour / cornstarch

Oils and Vinegars

  • olive oil
  • bal­sam­ic vinegar
  • white wine vinegar
  • red wine vinegar
  • cider vin­eg­ar
  • rice vin­eg­ar / rice wine vinegar
  • dis­tilled malt vinegar
  • white vin­eg­ar

Alcoholic liquids

  • brandy
  • dry cider
  • dry sherry
  • port
  • mir­in / rice wine


Fresh fruit is based, but pre-bottled juice is ok

  • orange juice
  • lem­on juice
  • lime juice

Sauces, Preserves, Purees, and long-life tinned and bottled pre-prepared items

  • Basil Pesto
  • HP Sauce
  • Ketch­up
  • Hende­r­sons Rel­ish / Worcester­shire sauce
  • Dijon Mus­tard
  • mango chut­ney
  • may­on­naise
  • miso paste
  • sam­bal oelek / chilli sauce
  • Lem­on­grass paste
  • tam­ar­ind paste
  • Fish Sauce
  • Soy Sauce
  • Gochu­jang paste
  • Golden syr­up
  • Hoisin sauce
  • Honey
  • Coconut Milk
  • tinned toma­toes
  • baked beans
  • tomato pur­ee

Dried Carbs

  • Bas­mati Rice
  • Pasta
  • noodles
  • ver­mi­celli


These can all be frozen either before or after cut­ting and dividing

  • Chick­en pieces, skin on
  • Pork medal­lions or joint
  • Beef joint
  • Minced / ground beef
  • Minced / ground pork
  • Bacon

Fresh Vegetables

  • Yel­low onions
  • red onions
  • spring / green onions
  • gar­lic
  • ginger
  • Apfel
  • auber­gine
  • bean sprouts
  • bell pep­pers
  • sweet pointy peppers
  • but­ton mushrooms
  • car­rots
  • cel­ery
  • cherry toma­toes
  • Chilis
  • cour­gettes
  • cucum­ber
  • okra
  • galangal
  • leeks
  • pine­apple
  • pota­toes
  • lettuce
  • shal­lots

Dairy / Produce

  • greek yogurt
  • ricotta
  • moz­arella
  • feta
  • parmes­an
  • double cream
  • milk


  • dried apricots
  • bread
  • flour tor­til­las
  • corn tor­til­las
  • rais­ins

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