All of the recipes on this site use around 250 ingredients in total, many of which are long life. A supply of these ingredients will allow you to make most recipes you will find. Below is a recommended list of pantry staples organised by type
Whole Spices
Whole spices keep their flavour much longer and a good spice grinder can grind them all into ground spices, so where possible buy whole.
- allspice
- annatto
- european bay leaves
- indian bay leaves
- black pepper
- black cardamom
- green cardamom
- brown mustard
- caraway
- cinnamon
- гвоздика
- coriander
- тмин
- листья лайма
- fennel
- fenugreek
- kalonji / black onion / семена чернушки
- mace
- nutmeg
- saffron
- sesame seeds
- sichuan peppercorns
- white peppercorns
- бадьян
Other spices
- cayenne pepper
- dried garlic powder
- Высушенный порошок лука
- kashmiri chilli powder
- sweet smoked spanish paprika / pimenton
- sweet unsmoked hungarian paprika
- turmeric
- ginger powder
- celery salt
Dried Herbs
Fresh herbs are usually preferable, but aren’t always on hand or in season. To convert between dried and fresh use approx 2x as much for fresh
- Бэзил
- укроп
- marjoram
- мята
- орегано
- parsley
- rosemary
- thyme
- coriander
- tarragon
- thyme
Other dry items
These are all dry long life items
- поваренная соль
- мягкий коричневый сахар
- caster sugar
- пшеничной муки
- bread flour
- 00 мука
- baking powder
- bicarbonate of soda
- bread yeast
- cocoa
- cornflour / кукурузный крахмал
Oils and Vinegars
- оливковое масло
- balsamic vinegar
- белый винный уксус
- красный винный уксус
- cider vinegar
- rice vinegar / рисовый винный уксус
- distilled malt vinegar
- white vinegar
Alcoholic liquids
- бренди
- dry cider
- сухой херес
- порт
- mirin / rice wine
Fresh fruit is based, but pre-bottled juice is ok
- orange juice
- lemon juice
- лаймовый сок
Sauces, Сохраняет, Purees, and long-life tinned and bottled pre-prepared items
- Basil Pesto
- HP Sauce
- Ketchup
- Hendersons Relish / Worcestershire sauce
- Dijon Mustard
- mango chutney
- mayonnaise
- паста мисо
- sambal oelek / соус чили
- Lemongrass paste
- tamarind paste
- Fish Sauce
- Soy Sauce
- Gochujang paste
- Golden syrup
- Hoisin sauce
- Honey
- Coconut Milk
- tinned tomatoes
- тушеная фасоль
- tomato puree
Dried Carbs
- Basmati Rice
- Макаронные изделия
- noodles
- vermicelli
These can all be frozen either before or after cutting and dividing
- Chicken pieces, skin on
- Pork medallions or joint
- Beef joint
- Minced / ground beef
- Minced / ground pork
- Bacon
Fresh Vegetables
- Yellow onions
- красный лук
- spring / green onions
- garlic
- имбирь
- яблоко
- aubergine
- bean sprouts
- bell peppers
- sweet pointy peppers
- button mushrooms
- carrots
- celery
- cherry tomatoes
- chillis
- courgettes
- cucumber
- okra
- галангал
- лук-порей
- pineapple
- potatoes
- салат
- shallots
Молочные продукты / Produce
- греческий йогурт
- ricotta
- mozarella
- feta
- parmesan
- double cream
- milk
- dried apricots
- bread
- flour tortillas
- corn tortillas
- raisins
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