Открытый Соус Рецепты Логотип

Рецепты для инженеров

Ресторан Карри

Наконец-то настоящий ресторанный карри, приготовленный дома

Рейтинг: (1)Обслуживает: 1подавать: плов РайсГотов: 1 часов Prep Время: 30 мин Время приготовления: 20 мин
Плотность энергии
1.5ккал / г
85г / serving
13г / serving
1.6г / serving
Поваренная соль
4г / serving
9.7г / serving
Свободен от:
Подходит для:Халяльбогатый жирамикошерныйPartyPescetarianБеременностьVeganVegetarian

I have been searching and experimenting on and off for around 15 years to try to achieve home made curry with the same richness and depth of flavour as those found in a quality authentic Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi restaurant. Finally I succeeded. Several different parts must be made but all of them can be pre-made and will keep for weeks or months.



    1. This recipe requires a number of pre-made components which take some time to make so the first time you make it expect to spend quite a few hours.
    2. I recommend making the curry-onion base sauce first, and then whilst it is cooking make the garlic-ginger paste and then the spice mixes
    3. Есть 4 spice mixes needed - гарам масала, Панч Форан, Curry Powder, and Restaurant mix. Make the Garam Masala and Curry Powder first as they go into the Restaurant Mix

    Chicken Curry final stage

    1. The ingredients for this stage are listed for a portion for a single person. You will need to multiply accordingly!
    2. If serving with rice this is a good time to boil a pan of water for the rice (assuming you're boiling it)
    3. Cut the chicken into edible size chunks - around 2.5cm per edge
    4. Pre-cook the chicken in salted water or stock. Make sure it is completely covered by the liquid. This will take around 15 мин.
    5. Leave to cool a little
    6. Смешайте томатное пюре and water well
    7. This is a good time to put rice into the boiling water if you are making boiled rice
    8. In a large pan heat the oil. Do not skimp on the oil. Many recipes insist on a neutral oil but I found extra virgin olive oil worked very well
    9. When the oil is hot and shimmering turn the heat down a touch to a medium setting and add the whole spices (the panch poran and the brown mustard seeds) and stir briefly. They spices should be completely covered by oil. After around 15 seconds bubbles should form.
    10. Add the garlic-ginger paste - which will spit
    11. Stir in well and cook until it stops spluttering - вокруг 30 секунд
    12. Now add the powdered spices and stir in well. После 10 seconds or so lift the pan off the heat to ensure the spices don't burn - you don't want them to go significantly darker
    13. Смешайте томатное пюре and water to make a tomato paste
    14. Put the tomato-water paste in, put the pan back on the heat and turn up the temp. Stir well and cook for another 30 seconds or so. Bubbles should start to form
    15. Add aroundof the curry-onion base sauce and stir in for 30 secs
    16. Add anotherand stir in and cook for 1-2 мин
    17. Add the final ⅖, stir, and cook for another minute or so
    18. Reduce the heat to a low-medium
    19. Add the pre-cooked chicken and cook for 5+ мин
    20. Вы can keep the curry on a low simmer until your rice is cooked


    • Where precise quantites are needed measurements are given in grams.
    • The recipe can easily be made vegan by replacing the chicken
    • Full credit for the inspiration and inside tipe goes to the website Glebe Kitchen. What a legend!
    • To make a Madras add 1tsp lemon juice and 1/2tsp cayenne pepper per portion
    • To make a Jalfrezi: Добавить 1/2 красный перец, 1/2 лук, 4 cherry tomatoes (halved), 1tbsp fresh corriander, а также 2 sliced hot chillis. Chop and fry the onion and pepper at the start. The pepper should blister and go a little blackened which is when to start the main process with the spices. Add the chillis at the same time as the meat. Add the tomatoes 5 минут перед подачей на стол. Add the fresh coriander at the end.



    • 2 large pans
    • Нож
    • Разделочная доска
    • Spice grinder or pestle and mortar
    • Весы
    • ч.л. а также ст.л. measuring implement

    Пищевые Факты

    • размер порции: 706.7г
    • (44% / 55%)   Калории: 1091килокалория
    • (155%)Всего жиров: 85г
    • (65%)   Насыщенный жир: 13г
    • (181%)   Ненасыщенные жиры: 63.5г
    •     Mono: 54г
    •     Poly: 9.5г
    • (55%)   холестерин: 164мг
    •   Транс-жиры:
    • (9%)Всего углеводов: 28г
    •   Starch:
    • (5%)   Сугарс: 1.6г
    •     Sucrose: 2.1г
    •     Glucose: 3.2г
    •     Maltose:
    •     Lactose:
    •     Fructose: 3.2г
    •     Galactose:
    • (39%)   волокно: 9.7г
    • (112%)белка: 56г
    • Соли
    • (79%)   натрий: 1.6г
    • (41%)   калий: 1.4г
    • полезные ископаемые
    • кальций: 21%
    • Железо: 88%
    • цинк: 22%
    • магниевый: 41%
    • фосфор: 88%
    • медь: 11%
    • марганца: 17%
    • Селен: 620%
    • фторид: 1%
    • криптоксантин: 0.1г
    • Ликопен: 7%
    • Лютеин: 83мг
    • Витамины
    • Витамин А: 76µг
    • Тиамин (B1): 17%
    • Рибофлавин (B2): 33%
    • Ниацин (B3): 147%
    • Витамин B5: 68%
    • Витамин B6: 146%
    • фолат (B9): 7%
    • Витамин B12: 21%
    • холин: 39%
    • Витамин С: 28%
    • Витамин Д: 0%
    • Витамин Е: 113%
    • Витамин K: 32%
    • Аргинин: 3.5г
    • Аспарагиновая кислота: 5г
    • глутамат: 7.9г
    • Глицин: 2.3г
    • Proline: 1.7г
    • серин: 2г
    • Тирозин: 1.9г
    • аланин: 3г
    • цистин: 0.6г
    • Аминокислоты
    • Гистидин: 1.9г
    • изолейцин: 2.5г
    • лейцин: 4.3г
    • метионин: 1.3г
    • Фенилаланин: 2.1г
    • Треонин: 2.3г
    • Триптофан: 0.7г
    • валин: 2.7г
    • лизин: 4.9г
    • Бетаин: 16мг

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